We’ve had the pleasure of working with the following organizations:
- We provide access and confined space rescue stand-by during annual storm drain inspections
Arizona Construction Diving Services
- We provide rope access to inaccesible work spaces that need to be entered to do diving repairs
Arlington Power Company
- We provide Confined Space Rescue Stand-by work for a natural gas combination plant during power outages
- A Canadian underground infrastructure inspection company
Bonneville Power Administration
- American federal agency operating in the Pacific Northwest
Casey Industries
- We provide confined space rescue stand-by when Casey Industries has a welding job in confined spaces
Durus Industrial Welding
- Confined Space Rescue Stand-by during repairs in industrial confined spaces
Field Services
- Providing confined space rescue stand-by during inspection of propane gas scrubbers during outage
Gila River Power Company
- We provided confined Space rescue stand-by work for a natural gas combination plant during outages
Grand Coulee Power Organization
- We provide confined space rescue training for Dept of Defense firefighters stationed at the dam.
- Our team drafted Grand Coulee Power Organizations’s rescue plans and hazard analysis for confined spaces
Tri-State Generation and Transmission
- Our team helped develop a rope access system to enable barehand work on energized transmission lines. 115 thru 345 kv.
- We assisted in developing Tri-State’s manual for rope access barehand program.
- PV Ropeworks is currently developing a rope access program for communication towers both work and rescue
- We were hired by this Arizona Construction Company to clean out debris and assist with the inspection of ADOT storm drains